Bahamas 2019 Day 5
D5: Going HomeWe had a false start to our day when the 715A alarm I’d set on our phone actually went off at 315A, just after I’d finally gotten to sleep. For some reason my phone was in a weird timezone and this messed up the clock. We reset it to go off at (the real) 715A, although we actually woke up at 7A. A quick shower and trip to the WJ, then off the ship around 850AM. Customs was unexpectedly streamlined. We stood in front of a camera and that was it! No agents, no showing passports (to anyone or anything) – nothing! I guess facial recognition is at work here to decide that we were the same D&E who left Florida several days earlier.
Tried to get a Lyft to take us to the airport but clearly got a driver who had no idea how to navigate the port roadways. Watched on the app as she made many wrong turns. She should have arrived about 8 minutes after contact. After 20 minutes of watching her flail, along with a couple of phone calls where it was clear she had little English (including one call where I think she conferenced in a guy who translated for her) we canceled the call and instead used one of the $10/person shuttles. We were actually walking to get a taxi when we got stopped by one of the many folks holding up “Miami Airport” signs trying to get passengers.
Finally got to the airport around 10A, well in advance of our 1210P flight. Breezed through security since we had TSA Precheck and there was no one ahead of us, and sat at the gate until our flight was called. On the second leg of our trip we were served lunch. I had chicken enchiladas that far exceeded my low expections. They were, in fact, quite good. E had the chicken salad, which she said was "meh". We were both surprised that the dessert which we both thought was a chocolate ice-cream bar turned out to be a cake-pop (that was pretty good).
Finally back home, we retrieved our car and drove to the house, to be greeted by our very pathetic kitty who informed us in no uncertain terms that she'd missed us and didn't appreciate being left in the care of one of the neighbor kids <g>.